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‘Next! Please!’ – The Baton Exchange

‘Next! Please!’ – the citizens demanded as they scrutinized and checked out the offers of the different candidates through their manifestos as they came to declare openly their mandate. Who will they hand over the baton and mantle of leadership to? The Baton Exchange!

Do you think the selection of a new leader is beans and bread in Nigeria? Hmm, let us even look at what is embedded in the inauguration ceremony. An inauguration is a formal ceremony by both formal and informal people (Citizens and non-citizens) within the state that marks the beginning of a new Presidential term in many countries, including Nigeria.

It is an event where a newly elected or re-elected candidate even a President is sworn into office and assumes the responsibilities and powers of their position. It’s important to note that the specific details and traditions of a presidential inauguration can vary from country to country. The above description primarily applies to the Presidential Inauguration in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, the presidential inauguration has occurred on May 29 for the past twenty-four years following a presidential election that includes into office.

General Overview of what we typically expect to Happen During the Inauguration of a President in Nigeria

Swearing-In Ceremony: The highlight of the inauguration is the swearing-in ceremony, where the president-elect takes the oath of office. The Chief Justice of the Federation’s Supreme Court usually administers the oath, and the President-Elect repeats a prescribed oath, typically placing their hand on a Bible, Qur’an or any other sacred things.

Inaugural Address: Following the swearing-in, the newly inaugurated President delivers an inaugural address. This speech serves as an opportunity for the President to outline their vision, goals, and priorities for their term in office.

Vice Presidential Inauguration: Alongside the President, the Vice President-Elect is also sworn into office during the inauguration ceremony. The Vice President-Elect takes the oath of office and delivers a brief address.

Ceremonial Activities: besides the official proceedings, various ceremonial activities take place during the inauguration. These can include musical performances, poetry readings, and the presentation of flags and other symbolic gestures.

Parade: After the inauguration ceremony, there is often a parade in which the newly inaugurated President and Vice President, along with other participants and performers, stand as the military procession takes place which involves the National Anthem, and Exchange of Flags amidst other activities. This parade is a celebration that involves floats, bands, and other entertainment.

Inaugural Balls: In the evening, typically there are inaugural balls or galas where the president and first lady, along with other dignitaries, attend and celebrate with guests. These events provide an opportunity for people to celebrate the new administration.

It’s important to note that the specific details and traditions of a presidential inauguration can vary from country to country. The above description primarily applies to the Presidential Inauguration in Nigeria.


Picture Credit: Small Business United Kingdom ||


Other Pictures:

Nigerian Army Official Website ||

The Pulse Nigeria ||


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