blogChristian Living

Truthfulness: One Value To Win Them All, EP: 3

Truthfulness is the act of telling or representing the truth in any given situation. The first question that comes to mind when we see this kind of topic is “What is truth?“ The truth is saying things the way they are supposed to be. The truth is giving an honest, sincere, and authentic reply to questions asked. 

Truthfulness and honesty go hand in hand, as it takes only honesty to say the truth and stand by it no matter the circumstances. We have all learned to be truthful from our parents and guidance in one way or another, but it takes the grace of God and self-discipline to be able to stand on the truth when we need to be.


Some events were recorded in the Bible that tested the truthfulness of some Bible characters; some were found wanting, and some still stood their ground. For example, consider the story of Joseph and his brothers and the case of Judas Iscariot. Some Bible verses support telling the truth and being truthful; for example, Ephesians 4:25, Zachariah 8:16, and Proverbs 12:19.

According to the Bible, truthfulness is not merely about spoken words; it encompasses action too. Our actions must reflect the virtues of sincerity, as anyone who is not truthful will surely face the consequences. Also, an African proverb that supports being honest says “There is nothing hidden under the sun forever.”


How can individuals cultivate truthfulness?

Cultivating truthfulness requires self-awareness and a commitment to being honest with oneself.  it means acknowledging our shortcomings, mistakes, and failures without making excuses or shifting blame to others while taking responsibility for our actions and being intentional about them. 

Cultivating truthfulness also involves being truthful in our interactions with others, that is, speaking the truth even when it is difficult or uncomfortable and avoiding deception or falsehood in our communication. Truthfulness is an essential value that should be upheld in all aspects of our lives by being honest with ourselves, family, friends, and colleagues at work, and practising mindfulness in our interactions with empathy and compassion.



Truthfulness fosters healthy relationships and communication. When an individual shows truthfulness in his or her behaviour, it will attract genuine people who are honest, respectful, and share decisions, unlike someone who does not display a good level of truthfulness. They will always be behind in everything—opportunities, communication, and tolerance- and be used as bad examples. 

Truthfulness promotes healthy living; being truthful as a person reduces anxiety, stress, worries, and a heavy heart. Just like they say, a clear conscience fears no accusations, and as someone who stands for what is right, there is no need for fear of the unknown, as you will be living a free and peaceful life.


In conclusion, being truthful doesn’t come into play in one day; it starts at home, school, and society. furthermore, parents should do their part in training their children to be truthful and display behaviours of truthfulness. As they say, “Charity begins at home.” Also, another African proverb goes, Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Churches should also include it in their preaching to their congregations, and schools should also include it in their syllabus and teach it, as truthfulness does not walk with one person.  



Content Credit/  Igbakuma Rita Doom

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