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The Power Of Patience: A Proven Key To Growth And Success

Patience is the skill of waiting calmly without getting irritated or agitated. It’s about practising self-restraint instead of reacting angrily or grumbling. It also means recognising that certain things require time to develop and that hurrying can result in errors and overlooked chances. It involves staying positive and enduring challenges with elegance and resilience.


The Role of Patience in Personal Growth 

Patience is essential for self-improvement and personal growth. It takes time and effort to develop new skills, achieve long-term goals, or make lasting changes in our lives. However, in today’s world, the desire for instant gratification and quick results has made many of us forget the value of patience. This impatience can manifest in our homes, businesses, relationships, friendships, and personal lives, sometimes leading to inhumane and ungodly acts like stealing, rituals, or prostitution. We often forget that true success comes from perseverance and calmness.


Furthermore, patience plays a significant role in building and maintaining healthy relationships in the family, church, workplace, among friends, and in society. By practising patience, we can listen actively, communicate effectively, and work through differences in an understanding manner. This helps to foster trust, empathy, and strong connections with those around us.


Biblical Examples of individuals that portray patience

Some biblical passages and characters serve as inspiring examples of patience amid trials and adversity. These are some of those characters:

Abraham: Known as the father of all nations, Abraham exemplified patience by waiting on God’s promises. He waited without complaining or grumbling for years before God finally blessed him and his wife, Sarah, with their son Isaac (Romans 8:25).

Job is a well-known character in the Bible when it comes to patience. Despite all his suffering and losses, he never lost hope or cursed God. His story is a powerful example of trusting in God during trials (Psalm 37:7-9).

Apostle Paul: Paul demonstrated patience in his missionary journeys and ministry. Amidst imprisonment, persecution, and hardship, he remained unshakable, committed, and steadfast in his faith. His letters in the New Testament reflect his patience, endurance, and trust in God (Colossians 3:12).

These biblical passages and stories remind us of the importance of waiting on God’s timing and remaining faithful even when facing difficulties.


Practical Ways to Incorporate Patience into Daily Life

  1. Set realistic expectations: Always expect good results in every aspect of your life, but understand that good things do not come immediately. Whether it’s work promotions, relationships, or learning new skills, be patient with your goals and watch them progress step by step.


  1. Practice gratitude: reflect on moments and blessings and show appreciation for what you have. Acknowledge how far you have come in life and worry less about the things that are yet to come.


  1. Practice self-care: engage in mind-building activities, relax and meditate, go on vacations, and spend time with loved ones.


By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you cultivate mindfulness and resilience in your interactions while working on your growth.


Importance of Patience

Patience is a vital virtue that promotes good relationships and personal well-being. Here are a few key points on its importance:

  1. Improved decision-making: Impatience can lead to decisions that we later regret. With patience, individuals can take their time to plan, seek counsel, and make thoughtful, clear, and acceptable choices.


  1. Increased Productivity: By being patient and focused on a goal, individuals can work with purpose towards achieving desired outcomes. Patience helps individuals stay committed to tasks, overcome obstacles, and avoid rash decisions.


  1. Strengthens Faith and Trust: For Christians, being patient while waiting for answers to prayers, trusting in divine timing, and enduring suffering with faith strengthens their faith and trust in God. It also deepens their spiritual connections and provides solace in times of trouble.


Benefits of Patience

The benefits of patience are profound and far-reaching. Here are a few of them:

  1. Reduced Stress: Impatience is a recipe for stress and anxiety, but patience helps manage stress by enabling individuals to remain calm in challenging situations. By avoiding rash decisions and taking a measured approach, you can reduce feelings of anxiety and frustration. Patience promotes emotional and physical well-being.


  1. Promotion of Self-Control: Practicing patience helps individuals manage frustration, control their emotions, maintain discipline, and avoid temptations in pursuing long-term objectives. Patience also strengthens self-control, healthy behaviours, and habits.


  1. Enhanced Communication Skills: By practising patience in conversations, individuals can listen attentively, express themselves clearly, and avoid misunderstandings. Patience fosters open dialogue, mutual respect, and improved communication skills, which are essential for building good relationships.


By embracing patience as a guiding principle in our lives, there will be room for great achievement and overall happiness.

READ: One Body: Understanding Your Role in the Body of Christ


Patience is not just about waiting for things to happen; it is also about how we choose to respond while waiting. Embracing patience leads to personal growth, stronger relationships, and a more fulfilling life.



Content Credit/ Igbakuma Rita Doom

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