Wisdom From The Book Of Proverbs: Proverbs 13:3.

Wisdom from Proverbs 13:3: “He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life, but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction.” (KJV)


In simple words, it means “the one who guards his mouth protects his life; the one who opens his lips invites his own ruin. This particular verse in the Bible might look simple, but it speaks a lot of sense to Christians. It advises men and women who don’t know how to control the words that come out of their mouths to keep them shut!s

The importance of Proverbs 13:3 lies in its emphasis on the power and responsibility of our words. It aligns with God’s desire for His people to use their speech to bring life, edification, and honour to Him and others. 

There are some Christians amongst us who criticise everything about other people (the way people talk, dress, work, and relate to others); they gossip, backbite, and judge others, forgetting that their words can hurt the other person or can even resolve to conflict leading to loss of lives, damage to relationships, friendship, friendship and reputation.


Imagine someone who gets employment in an organization. On resuming the office, this person starts hearing rumours of the management mismanaging funds, among other things. This person eavesdrops on every conversation in the office and recounts it to other people in the office without verifying these rumours.

This person begins to tattletale to different people in the office till this matter blows up and the person gets called to explain himself or herself but cannot explain. This leads to termination of employment, and the person is back on the street due to being unable to keep his or her mouth shut. Assuming he/she had kept their tongue in check,this pr would have kept her job, and her life would be smooth.

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This verse reminds us that our words have the potential to shape our lives and the lives of those around us. It underscores the importance of exercising self-control and discernment in our speech. By guarding our mouth. 

Proverbs 13:3 asks us to be intentional in our communication. It prompts us to consider the impact our words may have on ourselves and others. Also, It encourages us to weigh our words carefully, choosing to speak words of encouragement, truth, and love. It calls us to guard against impulsive or thoughtless speech that can lead to regret and harm. 

Furthermore, this verse calls us to cultivate self-awareness and self-discipline. It urges us to reflect on the motives behind our words and to assess whether they align with God’s principles of righteousness and love. It invites us to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in controlling our tongues, allowing Him to shape our speech for the glory of God and the benefit of others. 

In our interactions with others, Proverbs 13:3 challenges us to listen carefully, speak intentionally, and respond with wisdom and grace. It prompts us to use our words to build up, encourage, and bring healing. It cautions against gossip, slander, or careless remarks that can cause division and harm relationships.

 Additionally, this verse reminds us to recognise our limitations and the potential for error in our speech. It prompts us to seek wisdom from God and to be open to correction and growth in our communication.


In conclusion, Proverbs 13:3 is full of great wisdom regarding the power and impact of our words. There is a popular adage that says, A word is enough for the wise’. Just like it, we should take the wisdom from Proverbs 13:3 seriously. May we not be the reader only but the doer also.




Content Credit| Igbakuma Rita Doom

Picture Credit | https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=knowledge+tree


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