
September 25th: This Day In History (world history).

September 25 has seen incidents that have crossed boundaries and left lasting impacts. This article dives into major historical events that occurred on this date, highlighting their influence on religion, politics, culture, and human rights. 

Here are some of the events that happened on September 25 across different eras.



1. 1644, Pope Innocent X Elected: Pope Innocent X was elected on September 25, 1644. His papacy came at a critical moment for the Catholic Church as he dealt with the aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War and the challenges posed by Protestantism. He played a role in restoring Catholic influence across parts of Europe.

2. September 25, 1555: The Peace of Augsburg is signed, ending the religious wars between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire.

3. 2000, Canonisation of 120 Chinese Martyrs: On September 25, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonised 120 Chinese martyrs who had died for their Christian faith during various periods of persecution in China, including the Boxer Rebellion. This group of martyrs included both Chinese converts and foreign missionaries.

4. September 25, 2011: Kenyan politician and environmental activist Wangari Maathai, the first Black African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize, dies.

5. 1396, The Battle of Nicopolis: On September 25, 1396, the Battle of Nicopolis took place between Christian forces led by the Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxembourg and the Ottoman Empire. The battle was a major defeat for the Christian crusaders, marking the end of significant crusades aimed at halting Ottoman expansion into Europe.

6. 1977, Death of Steve Biko: South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko died in custody after being brutally beaten by South African police on September 12. His death was officially confirmed on September 25, 1977, sparking international outrage and increasing pressure on the apartheid government. Biko became a martyr for the anti-apartheid cause and a symbol of the struggle for black consciousness in South Africa.




7. September 25, 1962: Challenger Sonny Liston knocks out Floyd Patterson to win the world heavyweight boxing title.


8. 1930, Pope Pius XI Reaffirms Catholic Teachings on Marriage: On September 25, 1930, Pope Pius XI reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings on marriage in his encyclical “Casti Connubii,” addressing issues such as the sanctity of marriage, birth control, and the responsibilities of married couples. It emphasised the sacramental nature of marriage in the Catholic Church.


9. 1598, Henry IV of France confirmed the Edict of Nantes: On September 25, 1598, Henry IV of France issued the Edict of Nantes, which granted significant religious freedom to Protestants (Huguenots) in Catholic-dominated France. This edict ended religious wars and allowed for coexistence.

10. September 25, 2003: The Iraq War begins with the invasion of Iraq by a coalition led by the United States.


11. 1513, Vasco Núñez de Balboa Sees the Pacific Ocean: Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa sighted the Pacific Ocean from the New World on September 25, 1513. Many of his expeditions were blessed and supported by Christian monarchs, as they sought to expand Christian influence and discover new lands.

12. 1890, Birth of Watchman Nee: Watchman Nee, an influential Chinese Christian leader and theologian, was born on September 25, 1890. He played a key role in the growth of Christianity in China, founding the Local Church movement. His writings and teachings continue to have a profound impact on Protestant Christianity, particularly among house church movements worldwide.

13. 1970, Death of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen: Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of the most famous American Catholic figures, passed away on September 25, 1970. Sheen was known for his charismatic television and radio broadcasts in the mid-20th century, which spread Catholic teachings to a wide audience in the U.S. and abroad.

14. 1887, Charles Spurgeon Preaches His Final Sermon: Charles Spurgeon, a renowned British preacher, delivered his final sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London on September 25, 1887. Known as the “Prince of Preachers,” Spurgeon was one of the most influential preachers in evangelical history, and his works remain widely read today.



DEVOTIONAL: The Value of Character: Seeds of Destiny, 25 September 2024.





Content Credit| Ajibola Emmanuel Adebayo

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