
September 27th: This Day In History (world history).

September 27 is a historic day that commemorates a variety of events, ranging from religious milestones to important scientific and cultural achievements. This article explores some significant events that occurred on September 27 throughout history.


Below are some of the most notable events that happened on September 27th across different ages.


  1. In 1895, Pope Leo XIII issues the encyclical Adiutricem. This encyclical emphasised the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church and encouraged devotion to her as the “help of Christians.” Pope Leo XIII was known for his deep Marian devotion, and this encyclical reinforced the importance of the rosary and Mary’s intercession.


  1. 1540, The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) is founded: Pope Paul III approved the formation of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, a religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola. The Jesuits became instrumental in the Counter-Reformation, focussing on education, missionary work, and the promotion of the Catholic faith.


  1. 1590, Pope Urban VII dies, ending the shortest papal reign in history: Pope Urban VII, elected on September 15, 1590, died just 12 days later, on September 27, 1590, due to malaria. His reign is the shortest in papal history, and his death prevented him from implementing his reforms, including a ban on tobacco use in churches.


  1. 1660, St. Vincent de Paul dies: Vincent de Paul, a French Catholic priest, passed away on this day. He is best remembered for his charitable works and the founding of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and the Daughters of Charity. He is considered the patron saint of charitable societies.

september 25

  1. 2008:  Zhai Zhigang becomes the first Chinese astronaut to conduct a spacewalk. Part of the Shenzhou 7 mission, Zhai’s spacewalk represented a major milestone in China’s space exploration program.


  1. 1825: The Stockton and Darlington Railway opens in England. This was the first public railway to use steam locomotives and is often regarded as the birth of the modern railway system.


  1. In 1905,  Albert Einstein publishes his paper on the special theory of relativity. On this day, Einstein’s paper, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” was published in the journal Annalen der Physik, fundamentally changing the field of physics.


  1. 1988: Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson is stripped of his Olympic gold medal. After winning the 100-meter race at the Seoul Olympics, Johnson was disqualified after testing positive for anabolic steroids.


  1. 1722, Samuel Adams is born: Though better known for his role in American history, Samuel Adams, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was a deeply religious man. He considered the American Revolution a cause sanctioned by God, often framing political freedom in religious terms. He was a descendant of Puritans and adhered to Congregationalist traditions.


  1. 1928, Vatican Radio begins its first transmission: Though this event occurred before the official founding of Vatican Radio in 1931, experimental transmissions began under the supervision of Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor credited with developing the radio. It would later become the voice of the Pope to the world.


  1. September 27, 1540: Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto discovered the Mississippi River.


  1. September 27, 1977: The Voyager 1 spacecraft launched, becoming the first spacecraft to leave the solar system.


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Content Credit| Ajibola Emmanuel Adebayo

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