Can God Trust You? Examining Your Faithfulness To Him
Can God Trust You? The most important question to ask yourself as christian is not whether you trust God. It is whether God can trust you. Many claim to believe in God, profess faith, and recite scriptures, but trust is not built on words alone. Trust is proven through obedience, faithfulness, and integrity.
Throughout history, God has sought men and women He can entrust with divine assignments. He does not look for the most talented or the most eloquent. He looks for those who are faithful, obedient, and fully surrendered. Trust is not a gift. It is earned.
If God searched the earth today, would He find you trustworthy? Could He place a divine mandate in your hands, knowing you would not betray His trust? This article will challenge you to evaluate your life, examine your walk with God, and understand the weight of divine trust.
1. The Weight of Divine Trust
Trust is not given lightly. Even in human relationships, trust is built over time. A person who has been unreliable in small matters cannot be entrusted with greater responsibilities. If this principle applies to earthly relationships, how much more does it apply to our relationship with God?
Jesus said in Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”
God does not entrust great assignments to those who have not been faithful in little. Many believers pray for divine promotion, breakthrough, and increase, yet they have not been faithful with the small tasks God has already given them. If you are not trustworthy in handling what is in your hands today, why should God entrust you with more?
There is a story of a young man named Daniel who was called into ministry. He started as an usher in his local church. Every Sunday, he arrived early, arranged the chairs, and ensured everything was in place before service started. Some mocked him, saying he was wasting his time on small duties. But Daniel remained faithful. Years later, God entrusted him with a pastoral ministry, and he became a voice to the nations. His faithfulness in little led to greater responsibility.
2. Can God Trust You with His Word?
The Word of God is sacred. It carries power, truth, and the mysteries of the Kingdom. Throughout scripture, God entrusted His Word to faithful men – prophets, apostles, and teachers – who handled it with reverence.
Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Many have mishandled God’s Word for personal gain, twisting scripture to suit their desires. Others have remained silent when they should speak, hiding the truth because it is unpopular. Can God trust you to speak His truth, even when it costs you friendships, status, or comfort?
Jeremiah was entrusted with a difficult message for Israel. He was beaten, imprisoned, and rejected, yet he remained faithful. He declared in Jeremiah 20:9, “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.”
A young woman named Sarah was invited to speak at a conference. She had prepared a message on God’s love, but the Holy Spirit impressed on her heart to preach repentance instead. She hesitated, fearing that the audience might not like it. But in obedience, she preached what God laid on her heart. That day, many gave their lives to Christ. God could trust her because she obeyed, even when it was uncomfortable.
3. Can God Trust You with Wealth?
Wealth is not merely financial abundance. It is a resource God gives to advance His Kingdom. Many pray for financial breakthroughs, yet when they receive blessings, they forget the Giver.
God tested Israel in Deuteronomy 8:18, “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
Some people become rich and arrogant, prioritising luxury over Kingdom work. Others, when blessed, withhold generosity and become consumed by materialism. If God gave you wealth today, would you use it for His glory, or would you become distracted by worldly pursuits?
The early Church in Acts 4:34-35 demonstrated divine trust with wealth. “Nor was there anyone among them who lacked, for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the apostles’ feet.”
A businessman named James once prayed earnestly for financial success. When his business finally prospered, he became so occupied with building his empire that he stopped attending church and neglected his giving. Eventually, his business crumbled, and he realised that he had failed God’s trust. Wealth is a test, and only those who handle it rightly will continue to receive divine increase.
4. Can God Trust You with Influence?
In every generation, God raises leaders: men and women of influence who shape nations, cultures, and institutions. Influence is a gift, but it is also a responsibility.
King Saul was entrusted with leadership, but he misused his influence. He disobeyed God’s instructions, sought personal glory, and was eventually rejected. On the other hand, David, despite his flaws, was a man after God’s heart because he used his influence to honour God.
Jesus warned in Matthew 5:13-14, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
A politician named Michael was once known for his integrity. But when he gained power, he compromised his values to please those around him. Eventually, he lost his position, and his testimony was ruined. Influence is a test. Can God trust you to stand for righteousness when the world embraces sin?
5. Can God Trust You with Power?
Power reveals a person’s true character. Some handle authority with humility, while others become tyrants. Many begin in ministry with a pure heart, but when power comes, they become proud, untouchable, and self-sufficient.
God entrusted Samson with supernatural strength, but he misused his power. He played with sin, ignored divine warnings, and ultimately lost his anointing. In contrast, Joseph was entrusted with great power in Egypt, yet he remained humble, giving glory to God.
A pastor named Andrew once started his ministry in a small village. When God expanded his ministry, he became proud, stopped listening to counsel, and eventually fell into scandal. Power is a test. Will you remain humble when God lifts you?
6. Can God Trust You with Trials?
Trials are not always a sign of God’s displeasure. Often, they are tests to see if you will remain faithful. Job was a man God trusted with suffering. When Satan challenged Job’s faithfulness, God said, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” (Job 1:8).
Despite losing his wealth, children, and health, Job did not curse God. He held onto his faith. In the end, God restored him, giving him twice as much as he had before.
Many believers crumble when faced with trials. They begin to doubt God, question His goodness, or even turn away. But can God trust you to remain faithful in hardship? If He allows you to go through the fire, will you still worship Him?
Paul understood this when he wrote in Romans 5:3-4, “We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
Trials refine us. They reveal the depth of our trust in God.
7. Can God Trust You with Souls?
One of the greatest responsibilities a believer can have is leading others to Christ. Evangelism is not just for pastors. Every believer is called to share the Gospel. But can God trust you with the souls of men and women who are lost?
Jesus told Peter in John 21:17, “Feed My sheep.” This was not just a suggestion. It was a divine mandate. If God sends unbelievers your way, will you guide them with love and truth? Or will you ignore them, too busy with your own life?
There was a man named David who worked in a corporate office. He had a colleague who was struggling with depression, but David never shared the hope of Christ with him. One day, that colleague took his own life. David was filled with regret, realising he had failed to speak when he had the chance.
Ezekiel 3:18 warns, “When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.”
Can God trust you with the souls around you?
8. Can God Trust You with Time?
Time is one of the most valuable gifts God has given us. Yet, many waste it on things that do not matter. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Every second you have is an opportunity to serve God, grow spiritually, and impact others. Some people spend hours on social media, watching movies, or engaging in activities that do not add value to their lives or the Kingdom of God.
There was a woman named Mary who always wanted to serve in ministry, but she kept postponing. She said, “I will do it when I have more time.” Years passed, and she never started. One day, she fell ill and could no longer move freely. She regretted not using her time wisely.
Ephesians 5:16 urges believers to “redeem the time, because the days are evil.” Can God trust you to use your time wisely?
9. Can God Trust You with Relationships?
Every relationship in your life is a divine assignment. Whether it is marriage, friendship, mentorship, or family, God places people in your life for a reason. But can He trust you to handle those relationships with love, wisdom, and care?
Many friendships and marriages fail because people do not handle relationships with godly principles. They hold grudges, betray trust, or fail to nurture the people God has placed in their lives.
Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, yet when he became powerful in Egypt, he did not seek revenge. Instead, he forgave them and provided for them. This is why God could trust him with leadership.
Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Are you sharpening those around you? Are you trustworthy in relationships? Or do you gossip, betray, or mistreat the people God has given you?
The Test of Trust
God does not trust people based on their prayers but based on their faithfulness in trials. Before God entrusted Joseph with rulership, he was tested in slavery and imprisonment. Before David became king, he was tested in the wilderness. Before Jesus began His ministry, He was tested in the wilderness.
Every believer who desires to be used by God must undergo a test of trust. Will you remain faithful in obscurity? Will you hold onto integrity when no one is watching? Will you obey God when it is inconvenient?
A Call to Self-Examination
The question remains. Can God trust you? Trust is not claimed. It is proven through obedience, character, and faithfulness. Many desire divine promotion, but few are willing to pass the test of trust.
Today, God is looking for men and women He can entrust with divine assignments. Will you be one of them?
If your heart is crying out for a deeper encounter with God, a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, and divine empowerment, then take a step forward. Do not just read about the presence of God. Experience it for yourself.
See Also: 10 Fascinating Facts About Lent You Probably Didn’t Know
Content Credit| Adesina Olalekan O.
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