September 3rd: This Day In History (world history).

September 3rd has witnessed several significant events throughout history. Here are a few notable ones:


September 3rd, 1939—World War II Begins: The United Kingdom and France declared war on Nazi Germany following Germany’s invasion of Poland two days earlier, marking the official start of World War II.


September 3rd, 1981—Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW): The CEDAW treaty came into force, aiming to eliminate discrimination against women in all areas and promote gender equality.


Birth of H. Richard Niebuhr: This American neo-orthodox theologian was born on September 3, 1894. He is best known for his book “Christ and Culture,” which examines the relationship between Christianity and Western culture.

H. Richard Niebuhr – Sep 3, 1894 – Jul 5, 1962

Consecration of Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great): In 590, Gregory I was consecrated as Pope. He is considered one of the greatest popes in history and is often referred to as “the Father of the Mediaeval Papacy.”


Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew: In the 1st century AD, St. Bartholomew, one of the Twelve Apostles, is believed to have been martyred in Armenia.


Richard I Coronation: Richard I of England, also known as Richard the Lionheart, was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on September 3rd, 1189.


eBay Founded: The online auction website eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar on this day, September 3rd, 1995.


South Africa Wins Miss Universe: On September 3, 2000, South Africa’s Margaret Gardiner became the first South African to win the Miss Universe title, bringing international attention to the country.

Margaret Gardiner

Formation of the Arab Maghreb Union: On September 3, 1971, the idea of forming the Arab Maghreb Union was proposed, aimed at fostering economic and political cooperation among the countries in North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia). The union was officially established later in 1989.


September 3rd, 1929: Whitey Basson, a South African businessman known for his role as CEO of the retail giant Shoprite, was born on this day.


Viking 2 Lands on Mars: NASA’s Viking 2 spacecraft successfully landed on Mars on September 3rd, 1976, sending back images and data from the Martian surface.


September 3rd, 2004 – Beslan School Siege Ends: The Beslan school hostage crisis in Russia ended tragically on this day after a three-day standoff. The siege resulted in the deaths of over 330 people, including many children.


Ferdinand Porsche, an Austrian automotive engineer and founder of the Porsche car company, was born on this day September 3rd, 1875.



READ: September 2nd: This Day In History (world history).



Content Credit| Ajibola Emmanuel Adebayo

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